The Arts
The Creative and Performing Arts are powerful forms of communication that can affect the way pupils feel, think and act. At Traill we strongly believe that the arts should touch the lives of as many of our students as possible. We want to give every student an opportunity to enjoy something outside of the academic arena and even if they don’t all end up being another Picasso, Meryl Streep or Elton John, every students’ contribution is valued. What we hope they will take from it, is not only a love of the arts which lasts their lifetime, but also an appreciation of their own talents, whether great or small.

Art and Design
At Traill International School we are very proud of our long standing art and design program, where the key stage 3 art and design curriculum is carefully planned to build on the students’ previous art and design knowledge, understanding and skills. The faculty’s approach to teaching is to enhance each student’s ability through differentiated teaching and learning to ensure every student has a strong foundation in the many stages of their continual learning trajectory. The art and design faculty also allows for a breadth as well as a depth of understanding, where students are given the option of choosing to study either fine art or graphic design. The vast majority of our art and design A-level graduates go on to study either architecture, interior product, aeronautical design or fine arts at university level. As a faculty, we endeavor to keep in touch with the art and design graduates once they leave us and go to university. This is so that we can follow and celebrate with them their successes in their creative profession. We are delighted to say that many of our students have made remarkable progress in their careers.

At Traill we believe that drama makes a significant contribution to students' all round well-being. Not only does it build confidence, but we also we see that it encourages teamwork and support of their fellow students. In addition to our drama curriculum, we also offer extra curricular classes in drama. We perform at least 2 full productions each school year, with both primary and secondary children. The drama, art and music departments collaborate for these performances to showcase all the talent of the Traill students. Year after year, we are impressed by our talented and dedicated students as they continually push themselves to develop their acting techniques by showcasing a variety of characters.
"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.”

The importance of music as a learning tool is internationally recognised and at Traill we start developing the musical skills of our students from Early Years Foundation Stage. As they progress through the school we widen their musical knowledge and introduce specialist vocal coaches and musicians to ensure that any students’ potential is identified and maximised.
In addition to mainstream musical education, we also offer extra-curricular activities. Our strategy has been well rewarded, with not only excellent academic results but also talented students who have developed a genuine love of music. We currently have 5 bands who play regularly together, some of whom contain students who have graduated from Traill. They return to share their skill and love of music with generations of Traill Students. In addition we have students who have excelled whilst with us at Traill and have gone on to play professionally.
Of all the arts, Music seems to bind the students together, long after they have left Traill and we have a thriving music alumni.
We also offer a number of musical enrichment opportunities for our students through participation in a variety of Thailand International Schools Activity Conference (TISAC) events throughout the school year.