Pastoral Care
The ultimate aim of our pastoral care programme is to ensure that every student is supported in achieving their individual potential and gets the most out of their time at our school.

House System
At Traill we have three houses whose names were chosen approximately 20 years ago to represent cross-cultural legendary creatures attributed with intelligence, strength, courage, ambition and fortitude. Characteristics which are regularly demonstrated by our students. Students throughout the school compete in events and challenges throughout the school year ranging from sporting to good citizenship. A special emphasis is placed on events that stimulate our student’s minds and are designed to provide opportunities that challenge each student. Students are awarded points for participating as well as winning, and these are contributed to the overall cross campus total of the Houses. We believe that our House system fosters in our students a strong sense of teamwork and develops character in our students, which will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Year after year we have watched older students encouraging and supporting the younger children in whatever activity they are engaged in, much like an extended family.
At the end of school year assembly the Interhouse Cup is presented to the House who has accumulated the most points.
Secondary Pastoral
At Traill, all secondary students are in a Tutor Group of about 15 students from their year level. They start each day with a 15-minute session with their Tutor, who is often also one of their subject teachers. Here their attendance is recorded and they are informed about the day’s activities and upcoming events. Tutor Groups also meet during Period One on a Wednesday, when there is no assembly or other event.
Tutor Groups are the foundation of the secondary pastoral system at Traill, and students are expected to raise any problems or concerns they might have with their Tutor. If the issue is not resolved, they should approach the Head of Student Welfare.
Tutor Groups also:
elect a representative to the Student Council. They then have regular class meetings, and their concerns and ideas are taken to the Student Council for consideration;
have regular PSHE lessons (Personal, Social and Health Education);
organise and run a stall on International Day and at the annual PATT Fair;
have a double-page spread in Traill’s annual Yearbook, for which they prepare the material themselves.
Student Council and Prefects
Through the Student Council every student has a voice in the general running of the School and many initiatives have started with a well thought out plan from the Student Council. The Student Council is guided by the Head Boy and Head Girl, who discuss matters of student innovation or concern with the Senior Management Team on a regular basis. We also have Prefects who have specific areas of responsibility including, environmental Issues, fundraising, community and Social welfare.
Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) is a non-statutory component of the British curriculum but Traill chooses to make it part of our programme. The aim of PSHE is to equip our students with the knowledge and understanding to live healthy, responsible and productive lives.
On a rolling timetable Tutor Groups will tackle such issues as stereotypes, body image, e-safety and healthy eating. The programme is planned by the Senior Teacher: Secondary Welfare and the AEN Co-ordinator who consults with parents, teachers and students on a regular basis to ensure the topics remain relevant.

The end of each academic year is marked by a School Prom. Open to all secondary students and staff, the Prom is traditionally held on the penultimate Saturday of the final term, and takes place in a five-star hotel in central Bangkok.
The Prom is organised by a committee of Year 10 students, under the guidance of the Head of Student Welfare, and is a fun-filled evening of food, games, dancing and music. This is a wonderful opportunity for our students to dress up in formal attire and dance the night away.