Our Mission. Our Aims.

At Traill International School our mission is to provide our students with a world class education to ensure that they have the best opportunity possible to go on to be successful well rounded adults.
Our aims are to:
provide excellent education with breadth, balance, depth, coherence and relevance to every student at Traill;
provide a secure, friendly and supportive atmosphere for all of our students;
motivate and support our students into becoming well-rounded, responsible and confident school ambassadors both in Thailand and internationally;
recruit and retain exemplary teachers;
nurture and promote a community of young people who as well as being friendly and caring, also respect others and themselves;
instill a belief in ethical practice and an empathy with other races, religions and cultures and particularly, the host cultures;
promote political and environmental awareness and prepare our students to become actively involved as leaders of local and international communities;
empower our learners through active participation in a curriculum which rewards both individual and collective achievement in the Arts, Sciences and in Physical Pursuits and equips them with the skills needed in a fast changing world;
promote Thai culture and language through our educational programmes;
help students become proficient in languages in order to enable cross-cultural interaction.
The aims of our school as stated serve not only to complement our mission statement but also to act as goals against which the effectiveness of the school and its provision can be monitored and evaluated.